IB Exam Secrets e-book is out!
Where possible I have linked to the full online versions of these resources denoted by a flash player iconOtherwise check this site for many of the documentaries.
National Geographic Ape GeniusBBC Horizon: Chimps are People Too
Deals with extrapolation of experimental findings from chimps to humans
National Geographic Neanderthal Code
National Geographic: My Brilliant Brain
Changing Brains
God on the Brain
About people who believe they have been touched by God
Robert DeNiro was nominated for an oscar for his performance in this movie which cxplores the world of Parkinson's disease and the ethical implications of using L-DOPA to treat patients
Placebo: Cracking the Code
Documentary about the placebo effect
Discovery Channel Weird Science: Power of the Placebo
BBC Eyewitness SeriesBBC Special with actual real-world experiments on eyewitness testimony
Murder on a Sunday Morning
Documentary on a murder trial great for illustrating problems with reconstructive memory
Discovery Channel Science of Interrogation
BBC Horizon Special on Memory
Discusses many interesting facets of memory including anterograde amnesia, Alzheimer's and propranolol and PTSD
Kim Peek - The Real Rain Man
Kim Peek is the man the movie Rain Man
The Boy with the Incredible Brain
Another savant movie but Daniel Tammat is different. He does not lack the social skills that most savants do. Just watch, he's amazing.
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Related to PTSD and propranolol research
How to Make Better Decisions
The Jamie Kennedy Experiment GooglePunk'd
ALONE: The Brain, Sensory Deprivation and Isolation
Experiment where they place willing participants in solitary confinement and examine the psychological effects
What's the Problem with Nudity?
Discovering Psychology: The Power of the Situation
A Class Divided
Documentary about a cool experiment on superiority based on eye color
Documentary on US consumerist culture
Human Relationships
BBC Secret of the SexesTouches on the origins of attraction and maintaining relationships
Discovery Channel - Science of Sex Appeal
Biological factors influencing attraction. The link splits it into little 2 minute snippets
Quiet Rage
Stanford Prison Experiment
The Truth About Violence
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity
Special on prejudice
The Modern Racist Paradigm
Abnormal and Health Psychology
ThinHBO Documentary about eating disorders in US
NOVA Dying to be Thin
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
People Say I'm Crazy (1989)
Multiple Personalities
How Mad Are You?
The Man Who Ate His Lover
Challenges preconceptions about the stigma of psychopaths
Follows real people with addiction problems culminating in an intervention
MythbustersGreat show on constructing scientific experiments
Bad Science Blog
Penn and Teller's Bullshit
Although mainly for entertainment purposes they do clever experiments from time to time to test simple things that prove their point.
The Million Dollar Mind-ReaderDerek Ogilvie claims to be able to read young infants' minds
The Human Mind
Yale Open Courses
These are downloadable video and audio lectures from Yale. I can highly recommend the Paul Bloom lectures
The Happiness Formula
Six part BBC series on positive psychology
Harvard Lecture on Positive Psychology
BBC Horizon: Why Do We Dream
PBS Carl Jung The Wisdom of the Dream
This one is split into 17 parts but they're all on that site
Matter of Heart
Documentary on Carl Jung
The Horse Boy
A documentary about a boy with autism which offers different perspectives and insights into the mysterious world of autism.
Dr Money and the Boy with no Penis
A BBC Horizon special on the David Reimer case. Everybody who discovers this finds it incredibly interesting. It is an intersex case about a child whose penis is destroyed and how the family and Dr Money deal with the unthinkable situation. A must see. Highly controversial and ethically contentious.
Secret Life of the Wild Child
Documentary on the tragic story of the feral child Genie
Good Will Hunting
For those of you interested in psychotherapy.
In Treatment
Excellent show on HBO about psychotherapy. Only 20 minute episodes but they fly by
Lie to Me
This show is based on Ekman's work on microexpressions and detection of deception (i.e. lying). It is overdramatized at times, so to remain critical check out Humintell's blog who points out the embellishments after each episode